Enrollment Priority and/or California College Promise Grant (CCPG)

In accordance with the Student Success Act of 2012,  Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) will require all students to meet academic standards, progress standards, and adhere to a unit cap in order to receive enrollment priority (priority registration) and the California College Promise Grant. Academic and progress standards will apply once a student has attempted at least 12 semester units, as shown by the academic record. Former foster youth up to 24 years of age are exempted from this regulation.

Loss of Enrollment Priority

Students who have completed orientation, assessment, and developed a student education plan are granted registration priority. However, this priority is lost at the first registration opportunity after a student is placed on academic or progress probation for two consecutive primary semesters or has earned 90 or more degree‐applicable units at VCCCD. Foster youth up to 24 years of age are exempted from this regulation.

For purposes of this section, primary terms are considered fall and spring semesters.

CCPG Academic and Progress Standards

To be eligible for the CCPG, a student must meet the following academic and progress standards. Districts shall have reasonable policies in place to explain the standards and monitor progress and shall not impose any additional academic and progress standards.

 • Academic – students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher

 • Progress – students must complete more than 50% (cumulative) of their coursework

Loss of CCPG Eligibility

A student may lose CCPG eligibility only after they have not met any combination of the minimum academic and progress standards for two consecutive terms and only after the student has attempted 12 units. Terms shall be considered consecutive on the basis of the student's attendance so long as the break in the student's attendance does not exceed one primary term.

For example, a student who attends for the fall 2019 semester, sits out for spring 2020 semester then attends for fall 2020 would be considered as attending consecutive terms (fall and fall). The counting of two consecutive primary terms starts over if a student does not attend in the district for two consecutive primary terms.

Loss of eligibility shall become effective with the first registration activity for the first primary term after such determination is made. For purposes of this section, primary terms are considered fall and spring semesters.

The timing of the determination of eligibility affects when the actual loss of eligibility will occur. The loss of eligibility becomes effective at the first registration opportunity after the eligibility determination is made.

 • If a student registers for a term after the determination of eligibility loss, the loss of eligibility is effective for the very next term.

• If a student registers for a term before the determination of eligibility loss, the loss is effective the term following the one for which they just registered.

Current and Former Foster Youth and Special Eligibility Categories 

Foster youth, former foster youth, as defined in Education Code 66025.9(b), no older than 25 and students eligible for the CCPG based on the special classifications are not subject to the loss of CCPG eligibility. This exemption is effective until the date specified in Education Code 66025.9(c).

In addition other fee waivers authorized outside of Section 76300(g)(1) are considered special categories and are not subject to loss due to the Section 76300(g)(1) standards. 

The special categories are:

  1. Dependents of California National Guard Members
  2. Dependents of veterans
  3. Congressional Medal of Honor recipients and their dependents
  4. Surviving dependents of the September 11, 2001 attacks
  5. Dependents of law enforcement or fire suppression personnel      

Student Notifications

Students who are placed on academic Probation 1, Probation 2 or Academic Dismissal shall be notified via email from VCCCD no later than 30 days following the end of the semester that resulted in the student being placed on academic or progress probation.  

How to Regain Enrollment Priority Eligibility


A student may have enrollment priority and California College Promise Grant self-reinstated by earning a cumulative 2.0 grade point average (GPA) and by earning a cumulative satisfactory completion of more than 50% of attempted units as shown by the official academic record.  

Submission of Appeal Form 

Students who have not met academic or progress standards and wish to appeal their status may do so if they have an acceptable reason by completing and submitting a Loss of Enrollment Priority and California College Promise Grant Appeal Form with supporting documentation. Instructions for submitting an appeal form are noted below. Appeals that are approved will result in the restoration of enrollment priority and California College Promise Grant.

Sitting Out

Students who sit out for two consecutive primary terms (fall and spring semesters) from attending VCCCD may regain their enrollment priority and California College Promise Grant for the subsequent term of attendance.

Acceptable Reasons for Submitting an Appeal to Regain Enrollment Priority 

A student may regain Loss of Enrollment Priority by successfully appealing under one of the following reasons:

Final Semester. Approval will be based on the student’s Student Educational Plan (SEP) completed by the academic counselor. 

Enrollment in a High Unit Major or Program. Approval requires the student to have declared a program of study in a major that is identified as a “High Unit Major”. Approval will be based on the student’s SEP completed with the academic counselor. 

Academic and/or Progress Improvement. Approval requires significant academic improvement by obtaining a minimum 2.0 term GPA, and more than a 50% completion rate in the most recent term.

*Untimely Accommodation. The student must have a disability, and applied for but did not receive accommodations in a timely manner. A student must explain the services they feel they did not receive in a timely manner and obtain a Verification of Services Form from the Educational Assistance Center (EAC).

*Extenuating Circumstances. Approval requires verified evidence of circumstances beyond the student’s control. This could include: death of an immediate family member, accident, serious illness, eviction, etc. The student must provide documentation such as: medical documents, death certificates, police reports, court documentation, etc. and explain the circumstances in the space provided on the appeal form. 

A student who successfully appeals the loss of enrollment priority under Extenuating Circumstances, Untimely Accommodation and Academic and/or Progress Improvement  shall also have California College Promise Grant eligibility restored.

How to Regain California College Promise Grant Eligibility

An otherwise eligible California College Promise Grant student may regain a California College Promise Grant by successfully appealing under one of the following reasons:

Academic and/or Progress Improvement. Approval requires significant academic improvement by obtaining a minimum 2.0 term GPA, and more than a 50% completion rate in the most recent term.

No Enrollment for Two Primary Terms. Approval requires the student was not enrolled within the VCCCD for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring) since becoming ineligible for the California College Promise Grant.

*Special Consideration for CalWORKs, EOPS, EAC, and Veterans. The student must explain the circumstances and obtain a Verification of Services Form from one of the above programs indicating current level of participation and services provided. 

*Untimely Accommodation. The student must have a disability, and applied for but did not receive accommodations in a timely manner. A student must explain the services they feel they did not receive in a timely manner and obtain a Verification of Services Form from the Educational Assistance Center (EAC).

*Extenuating Circumstances. Approval requires verified evidence of circumstances beyond the student’s control. This could include: death of an immediate family member, accident, serious illness, eviction, etc. The student must provide documentation such as: medical documents, death certificates, police reports, court documentation, etc. explain the circumstances on the appeal form.

*Inability to Obtain Essential Support Services. The student must provide documentation, such as: canceled appointment notices, emails, text messages, and statements from professionals on letterhead. The student must explain the circumstances below and obtain a Verification of Services Form from the Support Service Office described above. 

*Economic Situation. Approval requires verified evidence of an economic situation such as: job loss, eviction, homelessness, etc. To be considered, the student must provide documentation, which may include: eviction notice, layoff/termination notice, unemployment statements, etc. and explain the circumstances on the form.

*Appeals for these circumstances will be reviewed by the Loss of Enrollment Priority/California College Promise Grant Review Group.

Click here for the Loss of Enrollment Priority & California College Promise Grant Appeal Form.


  1. Read each section of the appeal form. Then, if you meet the requirements for an exception to the regulations, you may complete and file the form titled Loss of Enrollment Priority & California College Promise Grant Appeal Form.  Bring the completed appeal form with you to your counseling appointment (attach a separate sheet, if needed). 
  2. Complete a comprehensive Student Educational Plan (SEP) with a Ventura College academic counselor. 
    • If you are a CalWORKS, EOPS, EAC, or veteran student you may meet with the appropriate program Counselor. 
  3. Attach all required supporting documents to this appeal form. 
    • If selecting Special Consideration for CalWORKS, EOPS, EAC, veterans or Untimely Accommodations, request a Verification of Services Form from the appropriate program counselor. 
  4. Submit your completed appeal packet to the Admissions & Records Office by the deadline.  Appeals submitted without sufficient documentation will be denied.


Appeals must be submitted before the end of the fiscal year. 


Appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and prioritized by the date received. You will be notified by e-mail of the outcome. 

Circumstances above marked with an * will be reviewed by a committee and may take up to 3-4 weeks to review.  


Submitting an appeal form does not guarantee approval. Appeal approval for Loss of Enrollment Priority and/or California College Promise Grant loss will not reinstate eligibility for other financial aid programs (Pell Grant, Direct Loans, etc.) A separate appeal will need to be submitted to the Financial Aid Office and reviewed for financial aid eligibility. 


Ventura College has a variety of resources available to help you achieve academic success. We encourage you to look into all available options. The Student Services page at yl8g.shandongzhongyu.com/departments/student-services lists many programs and services, for example:

We encourage you to talk to your professor(s) and/or visit them during office hours.